티스토리 뷰
Longjump/LJ: Every jump that is longer than 220 (and therefore can't be done with normal w + jump). However most of the peoples refer to jumps longer than 240 when they talk about Longjumps.
롱점프는 220유닛보다 멀리 뛴 모든 점프(따라서 보통 W-점프로 뛸 수 없는)를 말하지만, 많은 사람들은 240유닛 이상의 점프만을 롱점프라 부릅니다.
9. Longjump: written by faker
The Longjump is basically a combination of two techniques we already learnt in the beginning of the tutorial: The Prestrafe and the Airstrafe. You have to start with a clean and good Prestafe and then add some Airstrafes (if you do more airstrafes they are called multistrafes) once you jumped off.
With a decent prestrafe and 2-3 multistrafes you should be able to do 240 units and maybe a bit more. If you want to improve your longjump skills you need to train both, the prestrafe and - more importantly - the multistrafes as well as the sync (the more synced, the more effective your strafes are going to be).
-> Note: A good way to practise your strafes is loading a very big map with huge rooms, like de_cbble, and set the gravity to 0 (sv_gravity "0"). If you jump you will get "stucked" on the ceiling of the map - and since you can't run while flying in the air you got to strafe to move forward and accelerate with your airstrafes. This way you feel immediately if your strafes are effective (and therefore accelerate you) or not!
Last but not least: Our little recap video - however there are a lot of other longjump guides as well, just like the good old XJ Longjump Guide.
The Longjump is basically a combination of two techniques we already learnt in the beginning of the tutorial: The Prestrafe and the Airstrafe. You have to start with a clean and good Prestafe and then add some Airstrafes (if you do more airstrafes they are called multistrafes) once you jumped off.
With a decent prestrafe and 2-3 multistrafes you should be able to do 240 units and maybe a bit more. If you want to improve your longjump skills you need to train both, the prestrafe and - more importantly - the multistrafes as well as the sync (the more synced, the more effective your strafes are going to be).
-> Note: A good way to practise your strafes is loading a very big map with huge rooms, like de_cbble, and set the gravity to 0 (sv_gravity "0"). If you jump you will get "stucked" on the ceiling of the map - and since you can't run while flying in the air you got to strafe to move forward and accelerate with your airstrafes. This way you feel immediately if your strafes are effective (and therefore accelerate you) or not!
Last but not least: Our little recap video - however there are a lot of other longjump guides as well, just like the good old XJ Longjump Guide.
9. 롱점프: Translated by RhyshaN
깔끔하고 좋은 프리스트레이프로 시작해 점프 후 약간의 에어스트레이프를 섞어주면 됩니다.
(만약 당신이 더 많은 에어스트레이프를 한다면, 그것은 멀티스트레이프라 불립니다)
적절한 프리스트레이프와 2~3번의 멀티스트레이프로 당신은 240유닛 혹은 그 이상을 뛸 수 있을 것입니다.
롱점프 스킬을 향상시키고 싶다면, 프리스트레이프 그리고 (롱점프에서 매우 중요한) 싱크가 잘 맞은 멀티스트레이프(싱크가 잘 맞아 떨어질수록, 당신의 스트레이프는 더욱 강력하게 작용합니다)를 함께 연습해야 합니다.
-> Note: 스트레이프를 연습하기 위한 좋은 방법으로, 중력을 0으로 세팅한(콘솔창에 sv_gravity "0"을 침으로써) de_cbble과 같은 거대한 공간을 가진 큰 맵을 불러와 연습하는 방법이 있습니다. 그 상태에서 점프를 하면 맵의 천장에 처박히게 되는데, 하늘에서는 걸을 수 없으므로 앞으로 이동하기 위해서는 에어스트레이프를 이용해 가속해야만 합니다. 이 방법을 통해 당신의 스트레이프가 효과적인지(그래서 가속이 잘 이루어 지는지) 바로 알 수 있을 것입니다.
마지막으로, 우리의(Xtreme-Jumps.eu의) 방법을 담은 비디오를 첨부합니다.
그러나 좋은 롱점프 가이드는 정말 많습니다. 오래된 XJ 롱점프 가이드 처럼요.
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